Know-it-All, Dr. Oz of the Oprah Kingdom confirms that "laughter is the best medicine after speaking with comic Steve Rizzo and humorist Kurt Kilpatrick.
Steve Rizzo, author of Becoming a Humor Being said, "People need to know that there is a difference between laughing at something that's very serious and laughing off the fear that represents it," Steve says. "If you can allow yourself to laugh off the fear, and anything that might be bothering you, you're going to beat it."
That's been my experience as well. And although Steve says that "Everyone has a 'humor being,' everyone on this planet," he says. "Your humor being is of your higher self—it's the part of you that brings out the best in you when times get really tough," you don't need a sense of humor to laugh. It may help but it is not required.
Smiling Hello from Istanbul:)
Pretty agree with him as always. One of great tips by Dr Oz, and I bet disagree that it would work. We know it's a journey of small steps to reach the best health care.
So thanks for posting the this article; Dr Oz, another Istanbulian, proudly helps on being well:)
Thank you for your comment. Dr. Oz, your fellow Istanbulian certainly has helped a lot of people.
Blessing to you.
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